Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New direction: Political comedy

So, um.
*flicks through newspaper*
How about those three prominent Turkish ex-military leaders being held on suspicion for trying to provoke conflict with Greece and thus pave way for a coup? How about it, huh? Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erodgan is all "No comment" on it. That's typical Recep Tayyip Erodgan for you ... always the smooth operator, that guy. Anyway. Turkish military affairs specialist Gareth Jenkins suggests these recent arrests could trigger a "major crisis". It hasn't yet, though. But it might.
...There's got to be a joke in there somewhere.

*flicks further through newspaper*
So former US vice-president Dick Cheney has taken ill. Looks like he's got "chest pains". Hmm. Apparently the batteries in his defribrillator were replaced in July 2007. Maybe they should take a look at replacing the batteries in his.. ya know.. in his personality. Or something. Or his political career. Um.

What else? *flicks through newspaper*
British PM Gordon Brown has a whole bunch of bullying claims stacking up against him. Oh boy. Gee. Boy oh boy. That's gotta be damaging. Though come to think of it, this whole article is speculative. Jesus. Does anything ever happen in politics?

*flicks through newspaper*
Oooh, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have gone public with their relationship. I knew they were having it off with each other! I could feel it in my puppety waters. Go forth and breed greasy babies, kids!

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