Sunday, February 14, 2010


Dear Puppeteers,

I apologise again for the recent inactivity on this blog. Angry Puppet has been experiencing an intense lack of giving a shit lately. I have plotted out a line graph to help you better understand what I am going through:

I call this the Chart of Caring. Along the x axis (or maybe it's the y axis, I don't fucking know), I have listed percentages up to 100 which indicate my level of enthusiasm. The other axis has been divided into two periods of time: Then and Now.

As you can see, my capacity to give a shit has dropped from 90% (Then) to 10% (Now). You should try updating a blog you give 10% of a shit about. It's hard work!

Anyway. I don't want y'all to be alienated. Angry Puppet just needs you to understand a little. It's not easy being angry.

In the meantime, please amuse yourselves at I consider this website an inspiration to one-trick ponies the world over.

Speak soon, dudes!

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